Giuseppe Nelva
We start a development update for Synaptic Simulations’ freeware Airbus A220.
You can follow the progress of the aircraft’s development on the developer’s discord server.
Thanks for your immense support, and stay tuned for some more news regarding progress from our modelling team.
Next is a trailer revealing Kajaani Airport (EFKI) in Finland by Ben Kleber. You can check out what you can expect below.
Custom CGL/Aerial imagery to replace the airfield and surrounding areas All-PBR textures in high resolution, accurate and true-to-life representation of the terminal and the adjacent buildings Custom airport clutter and interior detail (WIP to be implemented) Ground polies, grime, dirt, decals Custom cars/parking lot clutter
Last, but not least, Impulse Simulations has revealed new images of the assets being worked on for Bendigo Airport (YBDG) in Australia.