Jake Su
Instead of becoming invisible like another infamous glitch, this new exploit is far more dangerous. Players can hide underneath the surface of the map, eliminating anyone unfortunate to be in range and keeping themselves safe from all sorts of danger. Obviously, those on the receiving end are feeling less than happy about the possibility of such an unfair advantage. Perhaps more importantly, there is still no clear information on how certain players are able to trigger this exploit in Call of Duty: Vanguard on Dome, with only the victims being shown just what caused their deaths. With the issue being shared on the Call of Duty: Vanguard subreddit, it is likely that Sledgehammer Games is aware of the problem. Hopefully, it will be fixed in the coming days, otherwise, disabling the Dome map might just be the next step forward.

New Call of Duty  Vanguard Map Exploit Surfaces As More Players Frustrated - 81