In a statement, Nokia claims that Apple accepted in 2011 a license covering some patents of Finns, but did not want to negotiate the payment of other intellectual properties that are used in Apple products. There are 32 patents at stake, covering technologies such as “display, user interface, software, antenna, chipsets and video encoding”. Nokia says it has invested 115 billion euros in research and development over the past 20 years and has “tens of thousands of patents covering many important technologies used in smartphones, tablets, PCs and similar devices.” Remember that, despite having sold its handset business to Microsoft in 2013; Nokia retained ownership of its patents. In the words of Nokia’s chief patent officer, Ilkka Rahnasto: “After several years of negotiations trying to reach an agreement to cover Apple’s use of these patents, we are taking steps to defend our rights.” The case gives signs that it can extend for a long time, as happened in the fight between Apple and Samsung in the courts. According to Bloomberg, Apple had filed a case on Tuesday (20) against a group of holders of patents companies that are conspiring with Nokia as part of a “plan to extort, unfair and anticompetitive way, recipes Exorbitant Apple and other innovative cell phone providers.” There’s more: Apple nudges Nokia in the process, published by Patently Apple. According to the company, the conduct is illegal and “occurs in the context of the failure of Nokia as a supplier of mobile phones.” Apple explains that “in 2011, Nokia remained a major supplier, but because of its inability to innovate, it was facing such dire market expectations that it came out of the market.”